Happy Crafterday!
It may be cold outside, but my thoughts are starting to turn to my vegetable garden. Here in the Northeast, there are many crops that will never have time to produce much of anything if you wait until it’s warm enough to plant seeds directly in the ground. Vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, squash. . . I’ve either got to start my own seeds indoors or buy them at the store.
Some years I start seeds, some years I buy. It depends on how life is going at that point. I honestly prefer to start my own seeds when possible. Being a frugal gal, it’s less expensive to buy seeds than plants. Of course seed starting does have it’s own costs–the aforementioned seeds, seed starting mix (you don’t use regular dirt), and your pots. Here’s a great way to save money on that last one. . . and recycle too. Newspaper Seed Starting Pots!
The video quality is a bit off in a few sections of this tutorial, but I liked the way Daves Garden covered not only how to make the pots, but how to water them while they are growing indoors and eventually planting them out.
Are you new to seed starting and need some information on what to plant, when, and how? This video from GrowVeg is very complete. It is British, so there is an accent, and it’s a bit heavy handed on talking about using their garden planner. However it covered the topic so thoroughly that I thought it was worth sharing:
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