With prices rising and the cost of groceries, gas and, well, everything on the rise we all are looking for ways to stretch our budgets. One of the easiest places for most families to cut back their spending is in their food budget.
We all know that by eating out less, cooking at home more and using less expensive ingredients we can save money. But what to make? Do you feel like your in a meal rut? Do you want to feed your family delicious food, on a budget? Sure, there are tons of bloggers out there with great recipes-but who has the time to search all over the web? Wouldn’t it be great to have one place where all those fantastic recipes could be in one place?
Welcome to the Frugal Food series here on Frugal Upstate!
Starting on August 3rd each Wednesday for 8 weeks we will be collecting links to all the best frugal recipes in the blogosphere. Interested in participating? Here are the guidelines:
1. Each week recipes will only be accepted that adhere to the topic. We reserve the right to delete links that we determine not to fit. The schedule is:
August 3rd: Eggs
August 10th: Tuna or Canned Fish
August 17th: Beans
August 24th: Ground Meat
August 31st: Chicken~Whole, Wings or Thighs
(note: boneless skinless breast recipes will be deleted)
September 7th: Potatoes, Pasta & Grains
(ie rice, corn, oats etc)
September 14th: Desserts & Snacks
September 21st: Potluck Favorites
2. Within each topic, recipes must be made with ingredients that you believe the the majority of people would be able to purchase at inexpensive prices. We realize that prices vary widely within the country (and indeed the world) and what is cheap and plentiful in one area may be a luxury item in another. (ie: You may be a lobster fisherman and get lobster for free, but most folks would not consider it a frugal food) It is acceptable to use a more expensive ingredient as long as you clearly list a frugal substitution for that item.
3. The linky for each topic will be left open for the full 8 weeks of the series, so you can enter a recipe even after the topic’s week is officially past. The intent is for these pages to be a resource that we all can go back to, not a snapshot in time!
4. Each post entered must include a link back to the main Frugal Food Series Index post ( http://www.frugalupstate.com/recipes/the-frugal-food-series-index/ note: the index link goes live on Aug 3) or the individual topic post. We would love it if you would also use the Frugal Food Series badge:
5. Links should be to the individual recipe post of your own blog-do not link to your homepage or to a recipe website.
So go out, gather your frugal recipes, and be ready to join us on August 8th!
Terre Neesham says
This sounds fun! I like to have new ideas too. I cannot wait! Thanks for what will be a great resource from a bunch of smart frugal people!
Saving Your Green
Heather Solos says
I’ll be on the road for the first portion, but I’ll try to get involved in the second.
Does canned shellfish count?
Jenn @ Frugal Upstate says
If you feel it is a frugal alternative then canned shellfish can count 🙂