I’m getting quite a bit of grilling done this summer–and doing some fun things. Like for this grilling challenge from Walmart, where I decided to finally try grilling pineapple!
This really is more of a technique. I would actually be embarrassed to call it a recipe–there is nothing to it. Dead simple, seriously! My Walmart always has fresh pineapple in stock–so this is something you can make any time. Here’s how you do it:
First you peel the pineapple–the easiest way is to cut off the top and bottom, then stand the pineapple on it’s end. Using a knife, gently cut down the sides of the pineapple, following the curve of the fruit. Continue in strips until the entire pineapple is peeled. Then you simply cut it in disks.
I didn’t bother coring the pineapple–it seemed to soften up during cooking and wasn’t an issue.
Now there are recipes out there that call for brushing your pineapple with honey, or lime, or lime and honey, sprinkling it with cinnamon, giving it a pinch of cayenne. . . well I decided just to do straight up pineapple. I preheated the grill to medium and let them cook about 8 minutes per side. I’ve got a cold spot on my grill so a few had to be shuffled and cooked a bit longer.
As they cooked the aroma was wonderful–almost candy-like. The sugars in the pineapple caramelized and I got some gorgeous grill marks.
I couldn’t resist tasting one straight off the grill–delicious! They would be great served by themselves, or as a side to pound cake or ice cream. Or you could do like fellow Walmart Mom Renee did and make Grilled Pineapple Salsa!
Wondering what the other Walmart Moms made? Well, we’ve got quite a creative bunch. Rockin Mama made Grilled Peach Cobbler, A Cowboy’s Wife did Grilled Pizza, Freelance Homeschool Mom made Easy Grilled Acorn Squash, Pocket Change Gourmet grilled Chicken Philly Sandwiches, Modern Mami made Grilled Pound Cake with Berry Sauce, Lille Punkin Grilled some Donuts and Mommy’s Kitchen made Grilled Brownie S’more Skillet.
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Disclosure: As a participant in the Walmart Moms Program, I’ve received product samples and compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
