Sometimes it feels like it’s so hard to feed your family a healthy, tasty meal while sticking to a grocery budget. Imagine what it would be like if groceries were rationed! Have you ever stopped to imagine what it must have been like for a homemaker trying to feed the family during WWII? I found… Keep Reading
Around the Web: Barter Economy in Greece
Interesting BBC video about the barter economy that is springing up in Greece in response to their economic hardships: Have you ever bartered for something?
Around the Web: DIY Storage Capsule
JERMM’S Outside created these cool capsules made from soda bottles for lightweight backpacking storage–but I can think of many other uses for them. How about using them for a pill bottle in your purse, for salad dressing in the kids lunchboxes (assuming you used food safe glue), homemade lip balms. . . you get the… Keep Reading
Around the Web: Gardener’s Hand Scrub
I know there is snow on the ground–but I’m yearning for and thinking of my spring garden already! I’m a hands in the soil type of gardener who rarely remembers to put on gloves-so for much of the summer I’ve got dirt ground into my fingers! I found a tutorial online for making a great… Keep Reading
Around the Web: Felted Sweater into a Cardigan at Threadbanger
Threadbanger is always fun and edgy-this DIY Project shows how to turn a felted crew neck sweater into a cardigan-although the style isn’t quite “me”, I think it would be a great craft for someone with the panache to pull it off! And of course, being made from a thrifted wool sweater it is frugal… Keep Reading
From Around the Web: Canning Meat
This lady shows you how to can pork loin, round steak, chuck roast, ground beef and kielbasa. Wow, that’s a lot of meat! She gives very clear and detailed directions for the process. The video was long enough to have to be cut up into two videos. Canning Meat Part I: Canning Meat Part II:… Keep Reading
From Around the Web: Soda Can Passive Solar Window Heater
I just love the idea of passive solar heat–I mean really. . . free heat from the sun? It’s frugal, it’s green and it’s sustainable. A triple play. The only thing is, I’m not really sure I totally believe that it would work in our northern climate. Regardless, here is an interesting video from a… Keep Reading