Here are some interesting little gems from this week in previ0us years here at Frugal Upstate In 2009 I wrote a review of 24C Water, made by the Jones Soda Company. I seem to have had drinks on the brain, as I also gave our experiences with making A Cheaper Chelada (Clamato Juice & Beer-it’s… Keep Reading
Looking back at 2009 on Frugal Upstate
Happy New Years everyone! I like to end my year with a little review, so I’m following the lead of my good friend and co-host Lynnae over at Being and compiling a list of 12 great articles from 2009-1 per month! January: How to Make a Budget in 5 Easy Steps February: Children’s School… Keep Reading
Best of: Creating a Price Book
Since I was quoted recently on and Fox Business News about how to keep a price book, I thought this would be a good time to revisit my article on creating one! Enjoy! ***************************************** We all know that eating at home can save you money! Even if you buy expensive ingredients and cook gourmet… Keep Reading
Best of: Free Mulch
I’m away at a blogging event today-the Stouffer’s Lets Fix Dinner Blogger Roundtable. So I’m pulling an oldy but goody from the archive. It is just getting to the season where we clean up and prettify our flowerbeds here upstate, so republishing this post on how I was able to get a ton of free… Keep Reading
Best Of: How to Sprout Beans
This is time of year I start to balk at the price of fresh produce at the stores, but am sick of the veggies that are in the freezer. . . I just want something fresh, but inexpensive. Enter the magic of sprouts! Sprouts are an easy at home addition to your diet. There are… Keep Reading
Rifts in the Space Time Continum-and Getting Things Done.
I love being online! One might say that I love being online just a tad too much. . . if one were my husband. But a very strange thing happens when I go online ((cue twilight zone music)) Once I get on the Internet, I am sucked into a rift in the space time continuum…. Keep Reading
What Does a Frugal Gal Keep in the Car?
What does a frugal family keep in the car? Well gee! I’m glad you asked. I initially wrote this post in 2006 as a response to that very question from a reader! Today I’ve pulled it out, updated it, and presented it here for your reading pleasure 🙂 Things to Keep in the Car #1-If… Keep Reading
Best Of-Frugal Feeding of Babies/Toddlers
Here is part two of the best of post from yesterday on frugality and babies.*********************************A few days ago I posted a reader’s question from Allymonami. In my first post I addressed issues having to do with breastfeeding babies. Today I will tackle how to feed an older baby. When you head out to a grocery… Keep Reading
Best Of-Frugal Baby Supplies
This best of is in honor of my sister, who is due in March. Love you Bick.******************************Dear Frugal Upstate, Well, I saw your web-site and was hoping you could offer up a few ideas for being frugal when bringing home a new baby. I love the tightwad gazettes and have gleaned info from all of… Keep Reading
Best of: All Day Mac ‘n Cheese Recipe (Crockpot)
I am reposting this by request-it was originally published in December of 07. Annie Jones, this ones for you! *********************** There is a lady at Yankee Bill’s job who brings in Crockpot Mac ‘n Cheese (also known as All Day Mac ‘n Cheese) for every potluck. She says it makes her feel guilty because it… Keep Reading