This year Princess is turning 9. For many years we had princess themed parties-there is just something about little girls and princesses! I even made a Barbie Cake without an expensive mold! Then she decided that she was just too old for that, but that Hannah Montana was THE thing. So we hosted a Hannah… Keep Reading
Frugal Bridal Shower Favor
Saturday I attended the bridal shower of a good friend’s daughter-law-to-be. It was a held at the local fire hall, with pretty spring plants as centerpieces and a frugal “bring a dish to pass” luncheon buffet. We don’t do things too fancy schmancy here upstate! The frugal way tends to be the typical way! Have… Keep Reading
Best of the Frugal Thanksgiving Mini Series (aka The Round Up)
This week was fabulous! We all joined together to share ideas on how to have a fun, frugal Thanksgiving. For those of you joining us late, the topics were: Frugal Thanksgiving Side DishesFrugal Thanksgiving DessertsFrugal and Fun Thanksgiving Craft/Decorating IdeasFrugal and Fund Thanksgiving Family TraditionsFrugal Recipes for Thanksgiving Leftovers If by chance you write an… Keep Reading
How to Make a Lego Cake-Tutorial w/Photos.
Buddy’s Birthday was last week. Our little man turned 5-can you believe it? To celebrate we held a backyard BBQ, complete with splashing pool, homemade pinata, and 11 screaming kids all between the ages of 12 and 4. Yes, their parents were there, and yes, there was beer 🙂 Boys don’t seem to be as… Keep Reading
Making a Barbie Cake Part II-Decorating
A few days ago I posted a full tutorial with pictures on how I baked and constructed a Barbie Doll Cake for Princess without using a store bought mold. I also posted my quick and easy Homemade Frosting/Icing recipe. Today I will cover how to decorate a barbie doll cake. Now, I’m not a professional… Keep Reading
Make a Barbie Cake Part I-Making the Cake without a Mold
For Princess’s 5th birthday party, I made her a homemade “Barbie” cake. It might not have looked like a professional made it, but I thought it was pretty good-and more to the point Princess was THRILLED with it. So thrilled in fact that she insisted on having one again this year. As you can see… Keep Reading
Throwing a Birthday Party Fit for a Princess-On a Budget!
It’s that time of year again! Princess’s 6th Birthday is right around the corner. Those of you who have been reading for a while may remember that last year I did a week long series on the preparation for Princess’s party: Birthday Week (in a Birthday Month)It’s the Thought that Counts (Birthday Present Philosophy)Making Invitations… Keep Reading
Birthday Fun and Games
This is it, the last installment of the Birthday Chronicles 🙂 I’m sure some of you are sick of hearing about Princess’s party by now. Seeing as this party was for 3-5 year olds, I didn’t feel the need for complex party games. I’ve been to parties that had very structured games for children this… Keep Reading
Just Hit It
The Piñata that is! There is just something so festive about having a piñata at a birthday party-it looks fun! And the kids just love letting out some pent up aggression by beating the heck out of it 🙂 Making a piñata is actually very easy, if not particularly neat. You need: NewspaperFlour and water… Keep Reading
Birthday Decorating on a Dime.
Princess is 5 today! Her birthday party for her little preschool friends is on Saturday. All the kids attending are between the ages of 3 and 5. Honestly, Princess doesn’t really CARE what the theme of her party is. She doesn’t care how much money I spent on decorations. She specifically wanted a Barbie cake… Keep Reading