I’ve been having a ton of fun decorating my “branch” display in the front entry. Last week I made some cool snowflakes to decorate it with a winter theme. So I got it into my head that I needed to put snowballs into the hopper of the scale. But how to make them? It had… Keep Reading
DIY: 35 Out of the Ordinary Ornaments to Make
Sometimes homemade ornaments can look like something your 4 year old made in preschool. But never fear! I’ve rounded up 35 out of the ordinary ornaments from all over the internet that you can make before Christmas! Get your craft on and DIY your little heart out. . . these are ornaments you’d be proud… Keep Reading
DIY: The Halloween Hand
Need a quick, cute and and frugal Halloween themed treat for your child’s classroom, a holiday party or just for fun? Try making Halloween Hands! Not only are these adorable, but they are also fairly low sugar-a fact that teachers and parents alike will appreciate. This video tutorial will show you how simple they are… Keep Reading
DIY: Frugal Halloween Trash Bag Wreath
Looking for a Halloween decorating project that is easy, inexpensive and looks great? Try making a frugal Halloween Trash Bag Wreath-not only is it “all of the above” it will also last for years! For those of you without the time (or patience) to watch a 3 minute video (*pthhth!*) here is the written tutorial:… Keep Reading
Tutorial: Coiled Magazine Paper Bowls
As I’ve mentioned before-I’ve been fascinated with paper crafts this year. It really appeals to my frugal nature to make something lovely out of junk mail, catalogs, old books and magazines! I already tried making folded paper books, so it was time to try something interesting with magazines and catalogs. Coiled Magazine Paper Bowls are… Keep Reading
DIY Plant Watering Globes
Keeping herbs in planters right off of my back stoop is pretty and convenient-I can just pop outside and grab what I need right in the middle of cooking. But it has it’s problems, the largest problem being keeping those dang planters watered. Any kind of pot kept outside requires much more frequent watering than… Keep Reading
Quick, Easy & Frugal Homemade Hurricane Lamps
My home has a lovely carved wooden double mantle with a beveled mirror. I love it, but honestly I find it a little difficult to decorate. It is so gorgeous & massive that things seem to just sort of fade into obscurity on it. I want to be able to change my decorations with the… Keep Reading
Quick & Easy Halloween Treat~Halloween Hands!
Need something for a classroom full of kids, but don’t want to spend a fortune? Why not try making Halloween Hands? All you need is some popcorn, candy corn, plastic disposable gloves & bag ties: Need some more last minute ideas? How about these! Witches Hat Cookies (super easy & cute-no baking!) Eyeball Cupcakes Spider… Keep Reading
Easy Children’s Christmas Craft: Paperclip Angels
Need a quick and easy craft for your kids to make for teachers, bus drivers and friends? How about angel necklaces? This idea comes courtesy of my good friend Cherie, and has to be one of the easiest and cutest gift projects for little kids to make. It only takes a few minutes, the kids… Keep Reading
Organization-Making Attractive and Frugal Curtains and Storage Boxes
Hi, my name is Jenn, and I’m a packrat. (all together now- “Hi Jenn”) Seriously though, I have stuff. Lots of stuff. And some of it is actually stuff that I need. So where do you put all the stuff? We are unusually blessed because although our house was built in 1890, it is very… Keep Reading